Email or Phone Consultations

Candace offers consultations by phone or email for those interested in one-on-one guidance.

Why Do A Consult?
Consultations can benefit anyone who would like private time and personal guidance with Candace on the TWO Motions of Stillness Techniques and the use of essential oils in strengthening the connection with Your Inner River of Peace. You will discover how to select which essential oils are right for you.  This includes learning the safe ways to use them to create your own holy habits while strengthening your heart-mind muscle.

There are also many other situations in which Aromatherapy can help you.

Some of these for finding an increased sense of well-being and restoration are:
Stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression, sleep, healthy travel, mental focus, aches and pains, skin issues, immune boosting, surgery recovery, the dying process, grieving, and individual life transitions.

True Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of genuine and pure essential oils. Their deep, rich and concentrated aromas reveal the language of thought, memory and emotion. They have a soulful way of connecting us to our Inner River of Peace and remind us we are not alone. From here we can remember the reverence for life in all things great and small.

Essential oils are microcosms of Holistic Medicine and each essential oil delivers their unique medicine and message to each person differently. They are not “one size fits all.” Their way of effecting us on many levels, demands that we honor the individuality in all of us. How lovely. This is one of the reasons why Aromatherapy can be more effective with private consultations.

If  you are interested in having a consultation contact Candace:


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